
We will establish a state-of-the-art technology platform to initiate, incubate, develop and deploy technology ideas providing cutting edge solutions to every stakeholders’ need in the education industry


TASUED Technology Hub’s Vision is to be the Model Institutional Hub distinguished with innovative and creative ideas that would bring new vista to the operations of e-learning, e-teaching and online management of educational resources.


TASUED Technology Incubation Hub (TTIHub)

was established with a properly defined focus on creating an enabling business platform for innovators within the every University community.

It is an environment backed by a strong Knowledge, Economy, Resources, Network and an amplified access to markets required for growth and scale.

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“We Believe in Best Quality At TTI-Hub we believe in rendering Unequaled Quality Services; Either business wise, in the educational sector or other electronic field, guaranteeing you the best result.”

From The CEO’s desk

Technological advancement has become synonymous with growth and
human development. Today’s business world can no longer do without
technology support. What we do at TTI Hub is to serve the interest of
software developers as well as users of technological innovations by
providing the essential link.

TTI Hub has distinguished itself as the corporate body that harnesses
and incubates ideas of developers and translate such into practical
products that helps entrepreneurs, school administrators, businesses
and other human endeavors.

TTI Hub is the company for now and the future

Mr. Kunle ODUSANYA `{` MD/CEO `}`

Professional Team

Businesses today at TASUED Technology Incubation Hub (TTIHub)

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Businesses today at TASUED Technology Incubation Hub (TTIHub)